Price List

Our prices start from the amounts listed below, but this is not an exhaustive list. Final costs may vary based on specific requirements and services.

Products Prices
MRI 1 part £450
MRI 2 parts £800
MRI 3 parts £1,100
MRI 4 Parts £1,350
MRI 5 Parts £1,600
For Heart, Prostate, Brain, Whole Spine The charges are below  
MRI Cardiac (heart) – Anatomical £1,400
MRI Cardiac (heart) – Perfusion £1,800
MRI Whole Spine £900
MRI Brain £650
MRI Prostate £650
* Brain and whole spine – this should be charged as Brain + 3 parts
MRI with Contrast
For Heart, Prostate, Brain, Whole Spine with Contrast the charges are below  
MRI 1 part (with Contrast) £600
MRI 2 parts (with Contrast) £900
MRI 3 parts (with Contrast) £1,200
MRI 4 Parts (with Contrast) £1,450
MRI 5 Parts (with Contrast) £1,700
MRI Brain (with Contrast) £750
MRI Whole Spine (with Contrast) £1,000
MRI Prostate (with Contrast) £750
MRA £650
X-Ray 1 part £150
X-ray 2 parts £275
X-ray 3 or more parts £350
Cardiac tests
Echocardiogram £450
Ultrasound & USGI
Ultrasound – MSK £150
Ultrasound – Pelvic/Abdo £150
Ultrasound -TVS £150
Ultrasound- Breast £175
Ultrasound- Vascular £150
US Renal & Prostate £200
Ultrasound Guided Injections £280
Carotid Artery £160
Nurse Services
ECG £150
12 lead ECG £150
24 hour ECG £200
48 Hour ECG £250
72 Hour ECG £300
7 day ECG £400
24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitor £200
Urine Culture £60
Urinalysis £30
Spirometry £60
Spirometry + Inhailer £70
Spirometry + Inhailer + Air Chamber £80
Ear wax removal (one ear) £40
Ear wax removal (both ears) £60
Ear check £30
Pregnancy Test £15
Phlebotomy charge £25
Nursing time £30
C-Arm (NMDC Fee)
C-Arm Procedures £400
YAG laser 1 eye (NMDC Fee) £200
Chalazion Cyst £250
SLT 1 eye (NMDC Fee) £200
Laser Iridotomy (both eyes) £400
Avastin injection 1 eye (NMDC Fee) £370
Ongavia £800
Eylea injection 1 eye (NMDC Fee) £1,150
Eyelea 8mg £1,350
Ozurdex (One eye) £1,400
Vabysmo/Faricimab (One eye) £1,700
Steroid Injection £50
EMG Nerve conduction studies (Dr Modares) £500
Excision of lesion of skin (face & neck) £300
Excision of lesion from the eyelid and dranage £400
Pulmonary Function Testing
Spirometry £150
Spirometry with Reversibility £250
FeNO £110
Full PFT with lung volumes £390
Exercise induced bronchial provocation (6 mins) £320
6-minute Walk Test (6MWT) £320
Muscle function testing £390
Skin prick allergen testing (Standard) £230
Skin prick allergen testing (Extended panels) £290
Lung Function Packages
Full PFT with lung volumes and FeNO £440
Full PFT with lung volumes and reversibility £440
Full PFT with lung volumes and reversibility and FeNO £490
Full PFT with lung volumes, FeNO,reversibility and 6MWT £690
Full PFT with lung volumes, FeNO,reversibility and Exercise Test £690
Full PFT with lung volumes, FeNO,reversibility and Muscle Function £730
1 Night £305
2 Nights £405
3 Nights £505
Cardiorespiratory sleep study (WatchPAT) £305
Ambulatory overnight oximetry with RIP bands and flow (Nox) £450
Full video polysomnography £1,200

Contact Us today 020 3277 0160 if you would like to receive information about any of our services or book an appointment using the tab below:

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